2007年4月10日 星期二

Sharp ourselves first

When we get a problem that something we couldn’t done it very well. We will ask other people for help. But in this story, big O tells to the Missing piece that shape him shapes circularity. Finally he can roll wall. So, every time when we get a problem, we should sharp our ability first. It can let our more experienced. If it still can’t solve the problem. It’s time to ask for help.

1 則留言:


I think that your idea is putting a finger on the meaning of the story. But there are some spelling problems and grammar errors in your article.

First,the line 2 "couldn't done",I think it should write "can"t do", because its aspect is different from the formr sentence.And the line 4 "shape him shapes", I think it should write "shape his shapes", because the word "shapes" is a noun, its before should be possessive. the last error I found is at the line 5 "roll wall", I think you wanted to write the word "well", but you type "wall".

You should pay more attentions on your grammar and double check your article as you finish it. With doing these tips, I think it can avoid a lot of errors.

Shujung Yeh (Emma)