2007年4月10日 星期二

Sharp ourselves first

When we get a problem that something we couldn’t done it very well. We will ask other people for help. But in this story, big O tells to the Missing piece that shape him shapes circularity. Finally he can roll wall. So, every time when we get a problem, we should sharp our ability first. It can let our more experienced. If it still can’t solve the problem. It’s time to ask for help.

2007年4月1日 星期日

A difference of one

This story is about a student named Joe. He is a foreword of high school basketball team. One day he loses a game for only one point. He was so sad and exhausted. He wants to take a nap to release his muscle, but he has an important test tomorrow. The test he has to pass in order to pass on his mid-tern report card. The surrounding was noise. He decides to take a break. Unfortunately when he woke up, it was already seven o’clock in the morning. How a big trouble he met. He feels the question of test was hard because he wasn’t well prepared. After the test, he was tension and wants to know the score hurry. Tomorrow when teacher pass back the paper to Joe. Joe was sad because he would pass the test if he got more 1 point. He argues with teacher. But finally he figure out what teacher wants to Joe know.

When people lose one point on the game he maybe not to care a lot. But fail on very important thing with one point, people will very care and ask anyone and use anything to get successes. In fact, lose is just lose. Why we can’t just hard work a little to pass it? That is this story wants to tell us.

Amelia Bedelia By Peggy Parish

This story is about a servitor named Amelia Bedelia. She works for a rich folk. She is funny because she does not take right mean about the list. She should put out the light but she put the bulb outside. She should change a new towel but she cut a new shape.
Even then chicken was dress by ribbon. But finally she wasn’t been fired. Because she make a delicious lemon-meringue pie for then, and they like it very much.
My favorite part is when she put the bulb outside. It’s incredible that she dangle the bulb to sun them.
This story makes me think that if a man has a special ability. He wills success finally.

a story about Tom's Dinner

One morning, Suzanne set in the coffee shop named Tom’s Dinner. She bought a couple of coffee, and wait for the waiter. When the waiter camas. He didn’t mind Suzanne’s argued and look at the door. A woman walks into the shop, and shakes her umbrella, seems that outside was raining. The waiter said “nice to see you”. It’s that the waiter have to said to counselor every day. The woman kisses something and Suzanne pretend hasn’t seemed it. Suzanne put the milk into the coffee and read the newspaper. An actor dead was report by newspaper. She feel funny and read horoscope continue. At this moment. A woman looks at Suzanne outside the window. In fact she is just look the reflection of herself. Put her skirt up. And her hair was wet.